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Get peace of mind about the health of your eyes – get an OCT scan


Get peace of mind about the health of your eyes – get an OCT scan

Some of the most harmful eye diseases are also the most difficult to detect, including glaucoma, macular degeneration, and diabetic retinopathy.
Early symptoms of these conditions are not always spotted by conventional eye examinations. To reliably assess the health of your eyes, your Optometrist may recommend a thorough evaluation of the retina once a year using optical coherence tomography (OCT).

An OCT scan produces highly detailed 3D images that help identify waning signs of potential eye diseases early.
Like an ultrasound or MRI examination, an OCT exam is a fast and non-invasive way for your doctor to assess the health of your eyes.
Advanced OCT technology allows your doctor to look below the surface of the retina to detect warning signs before disease affects your vision and determine the best course of care for you.

How damaging eye diseases can impact vision loss

Glaucoma – Often call the “silent thief of sight”, it affects the peripheral vision without warning

Diabetic retinopathy – It is estimated that one-third of adults with diabetes are affected by this disease, with may cause blind spots and / or floaters.

Macular degeneration – A rapidly progressing eye diseases that often goes undetected. It is a leading cause of central vision loss in people over 60.