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Oral Contraceptive Pill (OCP) re-supply service

National Pharmacies is excited to be able to provide women with more flexibility in when and where they receive their contraceptive care. Eligible women can now receive a resupply of their Oral Contraceptive Pill through participating National Pharmacies stores, if they meet certain conditions.

Who is eligible?

How can I access this service?

Please book online or contact your preferred National Pharmacies store by phone to see if they are providing this service. If you’re not certain you are eligible (e.g. you might not know if your pill is eligible, please phone and speak to the pharmacist to find out.

What happens during an OCP consultation?

Participating Pharmacists have undertaken additional training to provide this service. They will invite you into a private consult room and engage in a discussion about your general and contraceptive health to ensure it is appropriate for you to access this service through a pharmacy.

The Pharmacist will need to take some physical health measurements such as your blood pressure and your weight to calculate your BMI. This assists in clinical decision making to ensure it is safe and appropriate for the Pharmacist to issue a resupply of your pill.

Those patients who do not fall within the eligibility criteria will be referred to an alternate health professional such as their GP.

You should bring in a copy of your most recent prescription (even if it’s expired) or a box of your pill to show what you’ve been taking if you can.

Why are some Oral Contraceptive Pills excluded from this service?

Only those pills considered “low-risk” are eligible for re-supply. These standardly contain only small amounts of the hormone estrogen, or only contain progestogen. Those versions of the oral contraceptive pill that are excluded may pose an increased risk of blood clots and stroke and require monitoring by your GP to ensure they are safe and appropriate.

Are there risks associated with taking the Oral Contraceptive Pill?

Whilst safe for the majority of women, there is a small risk of blood clots and heart attack or stroke (especially if you have high blood pressure, diabetes or smoke) if you take the OCP. Your pharmacist can answer any queries or concerns you may have.

Can the Pharmacist change me to a different Oral Contraceptive Pill?

No, the Pharmacist can only provide a resupply of the same pill you’ve previously been prescribed by your GP or nurse practitioner.

A consultation for members will be $29.95, and for non-members it will be $34.95.

*Consultation fees in NSW and Victoria are covered by the Government.

Check with your Pharmacist about pricing of your oral contraceptive pill, which will be in addition to the consultation fee.

Note – the terms women and females have been used to include any patient with biologic female anatomy.