Recurring Payment Plan Agreement
This Recurring Payment Plan Agreement (“Agreement”) is a contract between you and National Pharmacies to obtain a payment on a repeat or regular basis for your membership subscription.
Please verify that all information you provide is complete and accurate before accepting this agreement.
No other discounts are eligible or available when taking advantage of recurring payment plans.
Making Payments
On acceptance of this agreement, payments will be automatically collected as per your chosen payment plan. We offer the following types of Recurring Payment Plan Agreements:
- Annual Payment Subscription: You agree to an initial pre-payment for one (1) full year of membership at the time of accepting this agreement. The membership will expire after 12 months, and you will be notified prior to the anniversary date for renewal and then annually thereafter.
- 12 Month Membership Subscription with payment instalments: When you purchase a subscription using the instalment plan, you agree to prepay an initial cost of the membership and the remaining balance will be debited at regular intervals over the 12-month membership subscription. Subsequent debits will be charged to your provided credit/debit card or PayPal account according to the chosen agreement:
– Monthly payment plan– on or around the anniversary date of each month (barring holidays and weekends).
– Quarterly payment plan – will occur on or around the anniversary date every three calendar months (barring holidays and weekends) after your initial purchase and every three calendar months thereafter until your membership expires.
You will not receive any advance notice of the impending debit to your card, but you will receive a post-payment receipt confirming your successful payment. Your membership will expire after 12 months, and you will be notified prior to the anniversary date for renewal and then annually thereafter.
- Banking Direct Debit: By completing and signing a National Pharmacies Membership Direct Debit Application you authorise us to draw on your nominated account with the following understanding: We will advise you in writing of any change to your direct debit client service agreement with National Pharmacies at least 14 calendar days prior to the date of any such change. Where the date nominated for the debit to be made falls on a non-business day, we will draw the amount on the closest business day. Receipts will be issued only on request. We reserve the right to cancel the National Pharmacies Direct Debit drawing agreement if your Direct Debit is returned unpaid by your nominated Financial Institution and to arrange with you an alternative payment method. We may, at our discretion, pass on to you any cost we incur due to any direct debit refusal. If the auto-renewal box is ticked your subscription will auto renew each year on your anniversary date, notification of your renewal will be sent to you 15 days prior to advise you of your new membership period including the start date and expiry of the new membership period, any changes to the amount due and any changes to the terms of the membership. We will keep your personal information private and confidential except to the extent that we may share information with our related entities to inform you about other products and services. You may advise us in writing if you wish to prohibit the sharing of that information. We will resolve any dispute of a Direct Debit drawing within seven business days and in the course of resolution we may share information with National Pharmacies’ Direct Debit sponsor.
Payment Failure
If your automatic recurring payment is declined or unable to be processed for any reason, you will be contacted by email with an extended period to make your payment. We will automatically retry to debit your card within 3 business days of the initial missed payment. We may, at our discretion, pass on to you any cost we incur due to any payment processing decline or failure. We reserve the right to cancel the National Pharmacies automatic recurring payment agreement if your automatic payment is returned unpaid by your nominated Financial Institution and to arrange with you an alternative payment method. We may, at our discretion, pass on to you any cost we incur due to any direct debit refusal. If auto-renewal box is ticked your subscription will auto renew each year on your anniversary date.
In the event that the re-attempted payment fails, and any other payment is not made by the required extended due date, your membership will be cancelled.
Changing Payments
If you need to change your credit/debit card or PayPal account details, you can update your details via our online member website or by calling National Pharmacies on 1300 667 676. All changes will be updated immediately for all current and future payments.
Adding a valid concession card number or seniors card details to obtain membership discounts can be updated at any time during your membership, however the discount will only come into effect at the next renewal of your membership.
If you would like to change your automatic recurring payment method from one plan to another plan, for example, making a change from an initial selected quarterly payment plan to an annual plan, this can be completed online at the anniversary of any existing 12-month membership period. Only one change can be made to your payment structure in any 12-month period.
Any other request to change your plan structure will need to be directed to National Pharmacies and will be subject to approval.
Auto Renewal
Your subscription will automatically renew each year on your anniversary date. Notification of your renewal will be sent to you 15 days prior to advise you of your new membership period, including the start date and expiry of the new membership period, any changes to the amount due and any changes to the terms of the membership.
Cancellation and Refunds
Membership: Members are entitled to cancel their membership at any time as per our Membership Terms and Conditions click here, via the Member Login page on our website, in writing to PO Box 3640, Rundle Mall SA 5000 or by phoning 1300 667 676. No refund of membership contributions paid in advance will be given. Any unpaid membership fees will remain due and payable to National Pharmacies upon cancellation of membership.
Payment Plan: If you wish to cancel your payment plan for an upcoming membership year, you must notify us in writing no later than 14 days prior to the relevant expiry date for your current membership year to PO Box 3640, Rundle Mall SA 5000 or by phoning 1300 667 676.
Banking Direct Debit: You may terminate your National Pharmacies Direct Debit drawing arrangement at any time by giving written notice to us. Such notice should be received at least 14 business days prior to the due date. You may stop payment of a drawing under the National Pharmacies Direct Debit by giving written notice. Such notice should be received by us at least 14 business days prior to the due date. Any change to your Direct Debit client service agreement is to be advised in writing no less than 14 business days prior to the payable by date.
You may dispute a National Pharmacies Direct Debit drawing by advising us in writing of the full details of the transaction. You must include the account numbers of both the account to be debited and credited, the amount, date, nature, and circumstances of the disputed transaction. National Pharmacies will investigate your claim and we may also be directed to your Financial Institution to gather additional information. In the event of a debit being transacted incorrectly a full refund will be provided within 7 business days.
Agreeing to these Terms and Conditions
By providing your credit/debit card, PayPal or Bank account details, you agree that you have read and understand this Agreement. In addition, you authorise National Pharmacies to charge the full amount required by your chosen payment plan (initial payment, monthly payment, quarterly payment) to the specified Payment Method; and you authorise the financial institution for the Payment Method specified above to charge your account and remit payment for your membership to National Pharmacies. This authority will remain in effect until you give notification, as required under this Agreement, to terminate this authorisation; provided, however, that no termination of authorisation will relieve you of any obligation to pay amounts due.
Last updated 27 June 2024