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Slip, Slop, Slap (& Slide) on a pair of UV-protected lenses, for kids.

This jingle is a timeless message of sun protection that’s just as relevant today. But we need to highlight one important part of the body: the eyes. Summer will be here in no time and after the past 18 months, the kids will be yearning for outside playtime.

Grab the t-shirt, sunscreen, hat, and UV-protected sunglasses. You might be surprised to learn the detrimental effects of UV radiation on young eyes. 73% of Australians haven’t realise this, either.

The outdoors is essential to a child’s development. It’s a schooling in science, social interactions, risk taking, and self-awareness. This type of play provides children with physical exercise, strengthens the immune system, promotes healthy sleep, and contributes to a positive mood. It’s heart-warming to see your kids run in and tell you all about their adventures. The worlds they create outdoors benefit them

physically, socially, emotionally, and intellectually.

Outdoor play early in life connects humans to nature, for life. It’s also a respite from screen time, which is an ongoing temptation indoors, supporting research that children who spend more time outside have a lower chance of developing short-sightedness (myopia)[1].

Eyewear that fully protects your child’s eyes

Because children spend more time outdoors, the risk of UV exposure is three times higher than an average adult. Where 40-50% of lifetime UV exposure up to the age of 60 will happen before your child turns 20[2].

The problem with most eyewear is it only protects against UV light up to a wavelength of 380 nm. The difference between 380 and 400 nm, the most intense spectrum, is extremely damaging.

ZEISS lenses change this, with a standard 400 nm lenses that let your little one enjoy the sunshine and good health long into adulthood.

[1] Rose KA, Morgan IG, Ip J, Kifley A, Huynh S, Smith W, Mitchell P. Outdoor activity reduces the prevalence of myopia in children. Ophthalmology. 2008 August;115(8):1279-85

[2] Green AC et al. Childhood exposure to ultraviolet radiation and harmful skin effects: epidemiological evidence. Progress in biophysics and molecular biology vol. 107,3 (2011): 349-55