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The Basics of Naturopathy

Have you ever heard of the phrase – “You can’t out-supplement a poor diet”?  Well, I might have made it up, but that is the message I will be delivering today…

The absolute foundation of health is a good diet.  Without the right nutritional foundations your body is not going to function optimally.  I often find that, when the diet is right and the digestion is functioning, health issues ‘magically’ disappear.  So, what do we eat to maximise our potential?


3 cups of vegetables daily is optimal and will increase fibre, vitamins and minerals of each meal and snack.  Choose all the colours for a variety of nutrients.

Meat, poultry, fish, eggs and dairy

Protein is important at each meal to build  and repair muscles and bone, produce enzymes, hormones and is integral in the immune system. Enjoy a palm size piece of meat or 2 eggs for a serve of protein.


½ an avocado or 2 tbsps of good quality oil will satiate you and provide the oils that our bodies need to produce energy and hormones, vitamin absorption, maintaining the membrane integrity of every cell in our body, and growth and development.

Nuts and seeds

A handful of nuts and seeds provides minerals and oils as well as adding crunch to your plate.

Starchy Carbohydrates

1 or 2 small serves per day is enough.  Limit your intake and increase water-based vegetables which are nutrient rich.


2-3L of filtered water is required each day to hydrate, lubricate and enhance elimination.

Follow these guidelines and your energy levels will soar!


Joanna Hill
